In the Independent of 3 December Ben Kentish writes “ a staggering 4 Million people are chronically lonely, meaning they experience loneliness often or all the time. Impactful on the nation’s mental health people more likely to be depressed or anxious and crucially people’s quality of personal relationships suffer. Chronic loneliness can have same impact as smoking 15 cigarettes a day or being obese
Apparently we have a dedicated minister for loneliness but if Stephanie Peacock why has no one heard of her and her responsibilities? Things can be done Many GP’s have started social prescribing referring people to community schemes like gardening, art, sports, youth centres etc Public transport needs to be reliable and affordable better Housing and helping kids learn the skills to form relationships…
In the book Shy the author talks of how for him shyness and loneliness were comfortable bedfellows loneliness can feed on shyness; grow fat on it until that outward sense of self you present to the world turns inward never to return.
Pick up your copy at Amazon today!